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Yoga in the UK


What is Yoga

Why yoga?

Yoga Teacher Qualifications

How to Find Yoga Teachers and Lessons near me



What is Yoga?

Yoga has been practiced for many years in the west and has recently become increasingly popular.

The roots of yoga go back around 5000 years to the cultures of the Indus Valley in what is now India.

Hatha yoga teaches us how to work with our bodies to become healthier, more flexible and relaxed. Traditionally it is understood that Hatha Yoga prepares the body and mind for the experience of meditation.

A regular drop in yoga class lasts about 90 minutes and normally costs between £6 to £10. The class begins with warm ups and possibly a practice of a breathing technique. The main content of a hatha yoga class is dedicated to the practice of the postures or asanas which focus both on strengthening the body as well as allowing it to become more flexible.

Ideally the spine will perform a balanced series of movements. Bending forwards, backwards, to the sides as well as being held upright and upside down. Yoga classes end with between 10 to 20 minutes of guided relaxation where the yogis lie still on the floor with their eyes closed allowing the body time to integrate the movements of the class.

It is important to remember that we are all completely different, our bodies are completely different and our skeletal structures are all unique, the proportions of our bones all vary and this will affect our ability to do the different postures.

In a way we are all like snowflakes. Because of this it is essential to be aware of your own body, don’t push yourself too far into postures, don’t feel you need to hold them for too long, don’t worry about what other people are doing, and feel free to come out of the posture whenever you want.ul too.


Why yoga?

One of the questions which arises when we begin a yoga practice is why yoga? Why not an exercise class? What is the difference between an exercise class and hatha yoga? Is hatha yoga nothing more than a series of slow movements co-ordinated with the breath?

One of the amazing things about hatha yoga is that it re-establishes connections between the mind and the body, it does work initially on the physical level, but we will soon be able to notice that we generally feel better and more balanced.

Urban life can become a very closed experience whereby you limit your awareness of sensations, you shut yourself down. You ignore adverts, traffic noise and the hundreds of people you pass every day in the street. By practicing yoga we increase awareness, as Donna Farhi writes, “perfection of yoga asana is not the goal, the goal of asana practice is to live in your body and learn to perceive clearly through it”.

The philosophy of Hatha yoga believes that there is a point of equilibrium, of equanimity within all of us and that through the practice of hatha yoga we get glimpses of this state of mind.



- What can you expect from a Yoga what happens

Yoga classes begin with warm ups and possibly the practice of a breathing technique.

The main content of a hatha yoga class is dedicated to the practice of the postures or asanas which focus both on strengthening the body as well as allowing it to become more flexible.

Ideally the spine will perform a balanced series of movements. Bending forwards, backwards, to the sides as well asbeing held upright and upside down.

Yoga classes end with between 10 to 20 minutes of guided relaxation where the yogis lie still on the floor with their eyes closed allowing the body time to integrate the movements of the class.

Preparing for a Yoga Class

- Don’t eat for at least 2 hours before practicing

- Ideally you will be neither hungry nor thirsty during the practice

Do I need to buy equipment

Yoga is a practice which prides itself on the minimal amount of equipment needed and many yoga studios will be fully equipped, however it is nice to have your own kit so:-

- For ease of movement in the postures loose comfortable clothing is recommended

- A yoga mat is needed. There are several models currently available but a 5mm thick mat should be suitable for most activities. They can be ordered from .

- Socks, a blanket and a warm top such as a fleece are highly recommended to keep you warm during the final relaxation.

- If you find kneeling and cross-legged positions difficult then a foam block or a cushion will be usef

- What to wear

Wear loose comfortable clothing which allows the body to move freely and bring a warm top to wear during the final relaxation.

- How long is a session

A regular drop in yoga class lasts about 90 minutes but some gyms do offer shorter 60 minute lunchtime classes.


What is expected of clients

It is important not to eat for at least 2 hours before a yoga class so that the presence of food in your stomach won’t feel uncomfortable as you move into the postures.

Your yoga teacher will guide you through a series of practices appropriate to your level of experience.

The class will begin with gentle stretching exercises and then focus on holding postures for some time to develop strength. Yoga classes always finish with a period of guided relaxation where you will be asked to lie on the ground with your eyes closed.

- Average costs / fees per session

£6 to £10.


- What are Typical medical conditions that Yoga is thought to be good for

Yoga helps the body to return to a state of health where the body is better able to heal itself. The most widely accepted medical benefit is that yoga reduces stress.

However many people experience benefits with back pain, pregnancy, high blood pressure, scoliosis, depression and repetitive strain injuries.

If you are practicing yoga with a view to helping a medical condition then it is important to inform your teacher and to remember that most yoga teachers do not have valid medical qualifications.


Yoga Teacher Qualifications

There are numerous organisations world wide which award qualifications to yoga teachers so it is important to choose someone who has a good level of experience.

The best way to see if a teacher is suitable for you is to go to one of their classes and if it feels right to you then you’ve probably found your teacher.

It is worth remembering that every teacher will have their own interpretation of how yoga should be taught and however highly qualified they are, if you don’t like the yoga you should keep on looking.

The main organisations which train teachers practicing currently in the UK are:

British Wheel of Yoga –
Iyengar Yoga -
Yoga Alliance -
Anusara –
Ashtanga -
Bikram –
Integral -
Sivananda –


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